

I read this book while I was listening to the CD about this story.

There are five simple chapters.

I knew this story because I learned it when Iwas a freshman in elementary school.

This story brings me back old memories.

Frog and Toad fly kites, clean house, and tell ghost stories together.

がまくん is scatterbrain and selfish.

かえるくん is steadily.

They are best friend.


However, in last chapter, "alone", がまくん learn about the value of being alone.

1 件のコメント:

m_yam さんのコメント...

This series seems quite well-known among Japanese students.

Many students wrote about these books but I didn't know that がまくん is scatter-brained and かえるくん has a steady personality (personじゃないですけどね~).

So did がまくん learn to be a bit frank with かえるくん?